Personal information protection policy

Personal information protection policy

As a company involved in human resources, we recognize the importance of protecting personal information and regard it as one of our highest priorities in our corporate activities. All of our directors and employees are committed to handling personal information in an appropriate manner.

  1. Name of operating company
    Operating: company Nomad Tec Japan K.K.
    Location: 1F Ninomiya Building, 18-4 Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0031, Japan
    Corporation number: 6011001157830
    Fee-charging employment placement business license number: 13-ユ-316577
  2. Service Manager and Personal Information Protection Manager
    Takahiro Kotani, Representative Director
  3. Purpose of Use of Personal Information
    Personal information provided by you will be used to respond to the following inquiries
    To introduce job openings in the job change service
    To enable our recruiters to make employment selections (limited to the minimum necessary 
     information that cannot be used to identify individuals)
    To introduce new job openings and provide useful information to registered users.
  4. Provision of Personal Information
    Provision of personal information to third parties: 
     We will not provide your personal information to third parties unless we have your consent or it is required by law.

    Outsourcing the handling of personal information: 
     We will We may outsource part or all of the work related to job search support service applications. In the event of outsourcing, we will select a contractor that is capable of implementing an appropriate personal information protection management system, conclude a confidentiality agreement with the contractor, and properly manage the personal information of the person concerned.
  5. Contact for inquiries regarding disclosure, etc. of retained personal data
    At the request of the individual, we will respond to the notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of content, suspension of use, elimination, and suspension of provision to third parties of the retained personal data obtained (hereinafter referred to as “Disclosure, etc.”). Please contact the Personal Information Protection Manager above for inquiries regarding Disclosure, etc.
  6. Voluntary nature of submission of personal information
    The submission of your personal information to us is voluntary. However, if you do not submit the items necessary for our business, we may not be able to provide our services or respond to your inquiries.

Nomad Tech Japan Corporation